Fuji GFX Negative, from the archive. 2017.
Trixie Whitley - Brugge - 2019
Hanne, old school edit from archive, 2015.
Processed one from another life time, from the RAW archive.
Very. Good. Memories.
Another shot in support of the Endo Insideout Project:
Whitney at De Berceau, Brugge
Luc De Vos, RIP 29/11/2014 - processed from archive, P'LatseDoen Kuurne 2014
Ik zag de geheimen van het heelal
De zwarte gaten van het geluk
En ik weet nu dat ik besta
-- Joeri.
Judith Valentina
CAE, Maria - 2015 NL.
Corona series with Isabelle, 2020 - Antwerp.
Actress Pauline Grossen, 2010 - Witte Laarsjes, production by Piet Sonck, 2010.
#Remembranceday #wewillrememberthem  #poppyday #Wereldoorlog #11november #wapenstilstand #oorlog #peace #wo1 #1418 #monument #inflandersfields #worldwar #veteran #rememberanceday #ypres #ieper
Isabelle, Covid Isolation Series.
Folie Folie series.
w. Gaya - Parc Royal, Brussels - 2020
Set picture of "HannaH" played by Emma.
Set: HannaH VR by Piet Sonck, 2019
Tree in a local forest.
Heike, 2016, CAE edit.
Sara Scarlet, Ghent.
Daisy & Geoffrey, Bruges - Brugge.
PP, 2016
PP 2016
Mitsu, 2016
Snapshot, happy lock down halloween.
Storm insisted on having a small lock-down Halloween party..
So Fotografie: Inge Houwen
hacked together a quick little mermaid make-up, and I quickly pushed some buttons in the studio.
w. Thari, 2016.
Heike, CAE, 2016.
Sara Scarlet, AED, 2016
W. Schokpop, Corona Archive Edit (CAE, 2016)
W. Schokpop, Corona Archive Edit (CAE, 2016)
Melina, 2016
Laëtitia, 2019.
Model Anne Darke
Whispering Sons at Cactus MuziekCentrum, Brugge
w. Indi.
w. Heike
With heavy hearts
And other hands
We build a wall around this town
Now no one comes and no one goes
Save our souls

- IlikeTrains

w. PP.
With PP.
Mood of the Day

With Isabelle.
Light up the stables.

With Morgane La Fay
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